What is Endured by Sharon Foley



I’ve come away from reading Sharon Foley’s searing, unforgettable collection of poems feeling singularly privileged, as though I’d been personally invited by her into a private place of grief and loss. Once there, I found to my surprise that these poems, rather than calling for pity, provide instead an undeniable sensation of comfort– completely unexpected, and present only because the poet expresses herself so directly, so vividly, and so recognizably. At one point in her sorrow she even writes of a time when “the bells kept ringing / and I was never able to write my poems. . “ But we can be profoundly glad she overcame that temporary hesitation, allowing us to appreciate her spiritual generosity as well as her undeniable skill as a poet.

–Marilyn L. Taylor Poet Laureate of Wisconsin, 2009 – 2010






What is Endured

by Sharon Foley

$13.99, paper



Sharon Foley’s poems have received recognition and awards from the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets, the Wisconsin Regional Writer’s Association as well as the Wisconsin academy of Sciences, arts and Letters’ literary magazine. Board certified in Internal Medicine and Dermatology, daughter of an Oncologist, and with personal experience with cancer and illness, Sharon has been circling the themes of sickness and mortality in her writing for some time. Her journey has given her a unique perspective on the ‘endurance’ that life requires, regardless of outcome.



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