Zeena / Zenobia Speaks by Kelly R. Samuels



Kelly R. Samuels‘s Zeena / Zenobia Speaks engages in the essential lyric task of giving voice to the voiceless. In these poems, the taciturn meets the turn of well-wrought lines that wring meaning from the quiet sufferings of Wharton’s iconic character. Wharton’s Zeena emerges in complexity and depth, her suppressed cry released and shaped in poems of potent imagery and clipped syntax that “can manage the weight of snow” and the “threat of fire.”

–Luke Brekke is a member of New England Review’s editorial panel. His poems have appeared in Denver QuarterlyThe Missouri ReviewPoetry Northwest and elsewhere.




Zeena / Zenobia Speaks

by Kelly R. Samuels

$13.99, paper



Kelly R. Samuels‘s poetry has been nominated for Best of the Net, and has appeared in various journals including The Carolina QuarterlyRappahannock ReviewSweet Tree Review, Blood Tree Literature, and Salt Hill. She lives in the Upper Midwest.


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