You Kept Your Secrets
by Helen Marie Casey
$14.99, paper
Helen Marie Casey‘s chapbooks include “Zero Degrees,” “Fragrance Upon His Lips,” and “Inconsiderate Madness,” a finalist for the Julia Ward Howe Award of the Boston Authors Club. She has also written a biography, “My Dear Girl: The Art of Florence Hosmer.” In addition, she has written a monograph, “Portland’s Compromise: The Colored School 1867-1872” and has won the Black River Chapbook competition of Black Lawrence Press, the 14th National Poet Hunt of The MacGuffin, and the Frank O’Hara Prize from the Worcester Review. Her work appears in several poetry journals, including, among many others, The Laurel Review, Louisiana Literature, CT Review, The Worcester Review, Paterson Literary Review, Prairie Schooner, The Comstock Review, The Christian Century, Westchester Review, Peauxdunque Review, Greensboro Review, and The MacGuffin.
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