February’s Rose by Bing Hua -Translator: Yingcai Xu

(14 customer reviews)



I like Bing Hua‘s poetry, simple yet full of feelings. Mr. Xu Yingcai’s translation is also quite commendable for the accuracy, individuality, and cohesion he has achieved!Bing Hua is good at allegorizing subtle intricacies and tender sentiments through scenes in the nature to express her feelings.

–William Marr,Former President of Illinois State Poetry Society


Bing Hua‘s ecstatic poetry of love invites the reader to experience the many faces of love—love expressed in the seasons, in the gravity of a door, in the heartbreak of the girl who “Turns away from the splendor of rainbows” (This Girl). Read these poems and be moved by the enduring, and sometimes wrenching, power of love.

–Sylvia Cavanaugh, English language Editor for Poetry Hall


Bing Hua is an outstanding poet who pursues a unique aesthetic value and is a rose that blooms alone in the time of moribund poetry writing. What a surprising miracle!

–Liu Huangtian, Former President of Chinese Literature & Art Association in America


“Startled”, you may discover “The Light of Poetry” in Bing Hua’s poems on “Love” and “Waiting” and “Promise”. They can help change your “Mood” in “Setback” and get rid of “The Sorrow of Blue” or some “Haunting Thoughts”. Hopefully they could lead you through “That Door” to see “Dancing” “Mayflowers” and hear the “Sound of Silence”.

–Zhu Xiao Di, Famous Bilingual Writer


What a marvelous Bing Hua! During the daytime, she is busy with her career and all the house chores, and at night, she bends over under the lamp writing many poems. Bing Hua doesn’t need me to crown her. Those hundred and more compliments she has received tell the story of her reputation in the poetry circle.

–Song Xiaoliang, Famous Writer


“Poetry Hall” ――a Chinese and English bilingual journal belonging to American Chinese Poetry Association publicized this book news in its electronic booklet on November 14, 2021. So did the Washington Daily News on its Community Column on January 7, 2022.










February’s Rose

by Bing Hua 

Translator: Yingcai Xu

$19.99, Full-length, paper



Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall.  She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”. She has won quite a number of international poetry rewards. Her poetry collections include Selected Poems of Bing Hua, This Is Love, Roses by the Stream, etc.

Yingcai Xu, a former English teacher of Fudan University, China, now teaches Chinese studies courses at DePaul University, USA. He has dozens of publications. Some of his translation publication includes A Selection from the Eight Great Prose Masters of the Tang and Song DynastiesSelected Words of Contemporary Chinese Prose100 Classic Chinese PoemsIn Other Words—-Poems by Wisconsin Poets in English and Chinese. Yingcai Xu is also a poet. His poetry publications include Poetic SouthInspiration from Nature—-Poems by Yingcai Xu in Chinese and English, and We Are Here Painting. Yingcai Xu is the president of the Chinese Poetry Association and the Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Hall.

About February’s Rose

Bing Hua, “The Queen of Love Poetry”, award-winning poet. Bing Hua ’s poems center on lauding the love of life and the beauty of affection. With remarkable poetic lines, she has created vital and extraordinary artistic realms. Thus, in her way of sentiment, language, and rhythm, she has freely and fully instilled the female’s tender, warm, and affectionate feelings into the deep souls of her readers. She meticulously cultivates fragrant roses by a creek, in a garden, or even in the field of her whole life. In this, she also cultivates beauty.  

She integrates her whole heart into nature to directly communicate with nature and submerge herself in the orderly and unorderly boundless firmament. Her poetry is indeed commendable. It is a very unique and culture-rich life experience and mental enlightenment.


14 reviews for February’s Rose by Bing Hua -Translator: Yingcai Xu

  1. Ying

    Beautiful poems full of love and Feelings

  2. ZHANG Qiong

    Bing Hua ‘s Poems: The emotion is conveyed in sincere words and realised by an exquisite heart, which is touching my soul.


    by Her ‘s inspiration is clearly derived from nature. She always uses different natural elements in simple yet powerful images. Her poems has won the Gold award in the world-wide poem contest, and the Award in World Congress of Poets. and By Bing Hua (Rose Lu), Chinese-American, Famous Poetess. She is the author of THIS IS LOVE, and ROSES BY THE STREAM. Her poems are beautiful, fluent and pure.

  3. Sharnette Gonzalez

    Beautiful book full of poems to fill your heart with love and joy

  4. Jerry

    Lovely, beautiful poems that connects with the readers in an indescribable way. So much love and heart were poured into these with great meaning and feeling.

  5. Jessica

    Immense joy and sincerity. I had a wonderful experience while reading these poems.

  6. Joseph Spring

    Binghua’s poems, with pure language, concise rhetoric and rich imagery, have exhibited to readers her truest feelings about life and love, and created a refreshing poetic representation of the world, thus winning herself great popularity and positive response among both Chinese and English readers.

    —Joseph Spring, Editor of Poetry Hall

  7. Dr. Lan Jiang

    With this masterfully crafted collection of poems, Bing Hua delivers luminous, art-inspired poems that expertly balance the concepts of nature and the human struggle. Many of these free-verse poems have a delicate blend of words and symbolism that evokes an imagery of reigning gracefully in the sky. Februry’s Rose is for those romantic souls who always strive for unconditional love and happiness in their lives. Open your heart and fall in love with these entrancing poems. Curl up with this magnificent poetry book and join the ravenous readers who have been captured by the magic of radiating beauty and strength.

    –Dr. Lan Jiang, the author of A History of Western Appreciation of English-translated Tang Poetry

  8. East Sea Fairy

    Binghua is an magic-making poetess who uses poetic words and smartly sparkling images to string life scenes as pearls into extraordinary necklaces. Be it love or friendship themed, each and every of her refined poems has a sort of spirit-purifying force that charms readers with a superficiality-free beauty.

    ______East Sea Fairy

  9. Lily Li

    1)Bing Hua is a queen of love poetry. Her poems remind me great poet Tagore. Bing Hua views the world with eyes of lover. She sees the world with warm feelings, generous emotion and profund love, no matter a grass or a flower, morning or everning, like Tagore’s style.
    2)Who says love is far away, love is in the wind, Bing Hua brings it to you. Who says poem is far away, poem is in the heart, Bing Hua hands out to your heart!
    3)Bing Hua’s poetry are filled with wisdom and soul, warm and bright. I once asked her with curiosity, how she can write so many love poems, her reply deeply moved me. “dear friend,I have to answer you sincerely, every poem is written with my life and soul, every poem is part of my virtue practice, a sort of sublimation of feeling and spirit. My poetry is my creative crystallization, and extension of my life” Wow!this is the secret,the authentic and golden words,and this is why Bing Hua‘s poetry are so touching and moving.

    1,冰花 ,真是情诗皇后!她是以情人之眼看世界!一草一物,一朝一夕,在诗人眼里都是脉脉含情,款款深情,灼灼厚爱。使人不由得想起泰戈尔之风骨。


    3,冰花的诗是智灵之诗!首首充满了明媚和温暖。我好奇地问她是怎么写出来的,她的回答令人动容。“好朋友问,我只好说真话了。俺的每首都是以生命与灵魂写出来的。每首诗都是自身的修行、情感与精神的提升!我的诗是我生命的延伸与晶体” !啊!这就是秘密,是真言和金言。这就是为什么冰花的诗打动人心触动灵魂的原因啊!

  10. Rick Tornello

    These are poems my mother would like and I have to frame my comments in such a manner as to promote that aspect. Specifically I believe your audience feels something missing in their lives such as lost loves, unrequited love things like that, and maybe misses the youth that allowed these feelings to blossom. Since you have a wide audience I believe it resonates rather well with them. You hit the nail on the head.

  11. Shi Qunliang

    Bing Hua is the angel of love. she has formed a well-accepted style of her own — “the Bing Hua Style” . The “Bing Hua Phenomenon” has brought a gush of pleasant spring wind to the quiet and still Chinese poetic field. —— Shi Qunliang

  12. Liu Huangtian

    Bing Hua belongs to the group of poets who set their minds to writing about LOVE as universally assumed; she is an “angel” whose poems strike a chord with as many affectionate hearts far and wide.

    In sum, Bing Hua is an accomplished poet with her own unique aesthetic pursuit; she’s been on a lonesome trudge with a lot more hardships than the throngs of online-poets ever know,is a rose that blooms alone in the time of moribund poetry writing. What a surprising miracle!

    Liu Huangtian,famous writer,Chairman of Chinese Literature & Art Association in America

  13. Lei Rao (verified owner)

    Bing Hua’s poem is the music of love. Her joy, willingness, sadness, and struggles are the notes of the melody.

    Lei Rao is the author of the poetry anthologies (Chinese Edition): A Long Voyage, Ribbon of the Evening Breeze, Reincarnation, and Five-petal Lilacs.

  14. Rui Lin

    Through time and space, Bing Hua’s poetry has galloped in the overseas poetry circle for 30 years. In her poems, she likes to write about the softest feelings of human beings. Their fragrance like flowers soothes the sorrows and sadness of the world. At all times and in all countries, writing love poetry is the most difficult. “Love and Die” has been deeply engraved on people’s heart, but Rose Lu has successfully written out”Love and Live!” That is, seeing through the rolling world, she still looks up and sings affectionately, which is not courage, but the faith from her life.

    – Chen Ruilin,a famous critic of literature and writer overseas and winner of the Zhong Shan Literature Award

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