Lotus Earth on Fire by Lynn Axelrod



Lynn Axelrod‘s deeply intelligent and generous collection, Lotus Earth on Fire, serves as an unflinching witness to the hungry and the homeless, to floods, fires, and the untold injustices of man to man. But we are guided through these seasons and tides–of the Earth and individual lives–by a naturalist’s eye and heart. In the end this wide-ranging, multi-layered gathering of “weather-beaten prayers” ushers us into the “greening-joy” of being alive together. As the poet proclaims in the book’s final poem: “This will be our practice,/ to celebrate reconnecting/ & impermanence…”

–Prartho Sereno, author of Indian Rope Trick & Founder of The Poetic Pilgrimage: Poem-Making as Spiritual Practice


Lynn Axelrod’s talent for rendering the feeling of experience in Lotus Earth on Fire intersects with her ability to create lines with a metaphorical reality all their own. With images such as “Pop keeps hands busy across the page / as synapses…swing messages / across gaps like trapeze artists,” (“After the Diagnosis”); “Broken voices reach us on ether / … / still ninety-eight point six but choked / like a ghost with fever (“They Say Fire is a Metaphor”); and “High-stepping New Mexico Northern Jacana / totes his chick underwing to good insect sites” (“Bird Watching”), readers will be captivated and moved by this collection for many years to come.

–Terry Lucas, Poet Laureate Emeritus of Marin County, California





Lotus Earth on Fire

by Lynn Axelrod


List: $17.99



Lotus Earth On Fire includes poems that travel through seasons and around our Country, through choices and second chances, the joy of friendship, depths of loving attachment. Some poems show us the obstacles many have to be safe, the blessings others live with, and how memory enriches ordinary days. Other poems rely on science or news events to depict Nature’s strength, inventiveness, and how humans, as part of Nature, can restore some environmental losses. Throughout, we’re shown our essential similarity to other beings such as redwoods, birds, salmon, horses, even wind after wildfire.

Lynn Axelrod has an undergraduate degree in Literature and taught freshman Lit. while in a graduate English program. She has been a lawyer, environmental NGO staffer, weekly newspaper reporter, studio jewelry maker, fundraiser for an undergraduate diversity program, and disaster readiness/community organizer for her local fire department. She’s in a long-running, supportive poetry group. She likes to study history–modern, ancient, and in the arts–volunteers politically and lives in an arts-&-activist community along the Northern California coast.


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