Ripe by Evelyn Ann Romano



The poems in Ripe come from a place of stillness, and share their wonder and search for meaning with the reader. Compassionate, Evelyn Ann Romano stands witness to the darkness inside as well as the light. Startling in their imagery and metaphors, these poems do what we come to poetry for: they make us see the world afresh.

–Katherine Riegel, author of Castaway, What the Mouth Was Made For, Letters to Colin Firth


If we could draw a big red heart around a poetry collection, Evelyn Ann Romano‘s debut chapbook Ripe would be inside it. Romano needs just twenty-two poems to create this small encapsulation of a rich, appreciative life anchored by love. Ranging over subjects as diverse as meditating while jogging, summer fruits, a husband’s illness and a beloved sister’s demise, these poems illuminate with a generous spirit. “I thank the darkness that opens me,” writes Romano. We are thankful for these open-hearted poems.

–Gianna Russo, author of Moonflower






by Evelyn Ann Romano

$14.99, paper



“Ripe” is about the author’s search for meaning and acceptance of her life’s challenges. She focuses on identity issues women encounter, both historically (Eve) and those in her own life. She seeks resolution and arrives at her poem, “Clear,” the last poem in the book. She is finally ripe for life (“Ripe”) despite all the downsides. Her poems, “What If,” and “Clear” have won awards by Tampa Writers Alliance. Her poem, “Sisters of the Sea” has won awards by the Mt .Dora Festival of Literature and New River Poets. “Ode to Summer Fruit” won a H.C. library award.

Evelyn Ann Romano, a New Jersey native earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology/English from Rutgers University. Her passion is reading and writing poetry. She relocated to Florida to live where the “weather suits her soul.” Her love for the written word started early and continues to inspire. Evelyn Ann lives in Tampa, Florida with her husband Albert.



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